McNies' Fish & Chips is a local restaurant located in in Toronto, Ontario. The Restaurant had no branding to and limited marketing. The customer base was very local to a specific region in Toronto and the goal was to give the McNies' a presence while also bringing in more customers from the surrounding area. This campaign was done along with 2 other graphic designers. *content created by other designers is credited*
Original McNies Branding
Logo Design
The logo was created to give McNies' more of an established presence and make people remember the restaurant more
New Mcnies logo created by Hernan Autencio
Digital Campaign
These ads were done with the to attract people to the McNies' restaurant. the campaign was done on Facebook as its aimed at an older audience and advertised locally to users in or around the area. This campaign was done by Hernan Autencio
Print Campaign
The print campaign was to do poster posted around the area to attract people to the restaurant. The poster is simple carrying the same background patterns as the other pieces and using minimal text

Experiential Campaign
The experiential campaign was done to be a bit more creative and fun by doing a food truck/stand where the restaurant would be more mobile going around the city attracting new customers